Thursday, December 2, 2010

December 2 Web Conference

My PowerPoint slides for tonight's conference.
udpate: I moved the slides to BlackBoard.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Final Elluminate Session

Hi -
I was in the same session as Kari Ann, and I agree that the smaller session size seemed advantageous. Great presentations by everyone. Such a nice way to review the term.

Because of my technical background, I feel like I shouldn't have technical difficulties, but I did. Technical problems are almost to be expected in online learning, don't you think? They are another "learning opportunity." They are also a good argument for back-up strategies. I'm so glad that I created the web page and the PPT slide. Still, neither worked very well for sharing audio.

Great active learning stuff! Thanks everyone!
Karen Sorensen

Feedback for Final Live Session

The final live session was an excellent way to synthesize what we've learned throughout the course and to see how other's are connecting these ideas as well. There were only 5 students in my live session this time - the smaller group seemed to work best. I know it's not always possible to regulate the number of participants in the session, but I think the small size really improved the experience for me. We were able to get a little deeper in our dialogue. This has been a wonderful course that has positively impacted my approach to course design. Thank you everyone!

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Chroust-Masin, Strunk Mod4Project

Westward Expansion Jeopardy


1. The student will be able to research and explain one element within the Westward Expansion.
2. The student will be able to work collaboratively with others in a group to generate questions and answers based on their research on the Westward Expansion.
3. The student will be able to compare and experience they’ve had (moving away, starting a new school, losing something they loved) in their live to the another person’s experience during the Westward Movement.

This assignment can be used with a 3rd grade class who is learning about communities or a 4th grade class who is learning about Pioneers and the Oregon Trail. The students in these classes will be required to use the Internet and other resources, books, journals memoires, etc. to gather information on their topic within the Westward Movement.

Here is a breakdown of how it will work:

1. The class will be divided into groups. Each group will be assigned a category that has to do with Westward Expansion. A few examples are: Famous Pioneers, Mining, Fur Trade, Native Americans and the Oregon Trail.
2. Once they are assigned their category each person in the group will need to research their topic using the Internet, books, journals and memoires provided by the teacher and write a one-page summary or paper on what they found.
3. The groups will then come together and compare all of their summaries. At this point they will need to generate 10 questions and answers from their category as a group to be used in a Jeopardy game that they will play as a class with the teacher.
4. Once all the groups have generated their 10 questions the teacher will create a Westward Movement Jeopardy game that will be played by the class in their groups. The class will play the game and interact with their groups to come up with the right answer.
5. Last, They will need to individually write another one page paper comparing an experience they have had (moving away from somewhere or losing something they love, or starting over) to something they found out about the westward movement whether it’s a person an event or a period in time.
6. If they would like to the students will share their personal experiences within their group.

Jeopardy Template Websites
Resources for kids to look up information

Western Expansion Project Grading
Name: Date:
Research report
For my report I:
___ wrote many questions which did not fit the topic

___ identified no useful sources in any format

___ did not organize notes; all notes were messy and hard to read

___ presented information which was poorly organized, hard to understand.
For my report I:
___wrote some questions which did not fit the topic

___ identified a few useful sources in one or two formats

___ organized notes and most were neat and easy to read

___ presented information which was poorly organized or was difficult to understand some of the time
For my report I:
___ wrote clear questions which fit the topic

___ identified useful sources in many formats (books, magazines, electronic)
___ organized neat, easy to read notes

___ presented all information in a clear and organized way

As a team member I:
___ let my partners do all the work

___ did not help my partners

___ did not listen to my partner’s ideas
___ did not share my ideas

___ did not help the group solve problems As a team member I:
___ let my partners do some of my work
___ only helped my partners when they asked me
___ had trouble quietly listening to ideas
___ shared one idea

___ waited for my group to solve most problems As a team member I;
___ did all of my work

___ helped my partners

___ listened to my partners’ ideas

___ shared my ideas

___ helped my group solve problems
Experience report
My report:
___ simply lists events

___ has some organization

___ uses basic sentence structure

___ lists details but does not elaborate
My report:
___ tells a story related something I learned about the Westward Movement

___ has the organization of a story – characters, problem, resolution

___ uses basic sentence structure with some variety

___ uses sensory description or dialogue My report:
___ has an opening hook and tells a story related to the Westward Movement

___ has the organization of a story – characters, problem, resolution and uses transitions effectively

___ has sentence variety and metaphorical language

___ uses sensory description and dialogue

12007 Karen Franker

Module 4 - Group Project

ELP 510: E-Learning Strategies

Module 4 Group Project

Claud Garrett, Kari Ann Tilson, Allison Bradley


The following project is a group-based composition project for a jazz performance course. The purpose of the project is for team members to work together to compose a 4-part jazz performance piece. The project will build on students’ prior knowledge of a fake book (a book full of abbreviated songs - attached is an example page from a fake book), chord progressions and chords (they will know what notes they can use for their composition) and style. Student compositions will be played in class, peer reviewed, and the top-rated piece will be played in the jazz concert.

Please note: Any musical information that you may be unfamiliar with, but the students will, is in italics through this summary.

Project Description

For the following project, students are responsible for composing background music for a jazz soloist. Students will be put into groups of four. Each group will include one saxophone player, one trumpeter, one trombone and one rhythm section player. Within each team, each member will be responsible for composing backgrounds for his or her section. This background will be used for a piece of jazz music. The entire project will use Finale Notepad – a web based music composition program that allows students to compose, listen to those compositions, and collaborate with other musicians ona piece in an online setting. Through Finale discussion boards, group members will first collaborate and make key decisions on the form of the background (what instruments are going to play where), style type and sound.


1. Through discussion boards, the group collaborates to determine the song, style, and form.

2. The rhythm section member will be responsible for typing the melody into the top stave and adding the appropriate rhythm section for the style that the group has chosen. He or she posts the file to the discussion board.

3. The rest of the group members individually download and start working on their own portion of the project.

· Each person should add a stave to the file on Finale Notepad and compose their section’s music on one staff. This provides individual accountability for contributing to the group’s final work.

· During the process students are encouraged to post their work for review by other team members. A student’s level of understanding of the required content and skills will be evident through how their piece sounds.

4. When the composition is complete, one group member will combine all the individual sections into one final file and then post the final jazz piece on the discussion board for peer review. The final piece is also sent to the instructor over email.

5. Each group’s piece will be printed and performed by the entire jazz band in an in-person class session.

6. The entire band will complete peer reviews of each piece played. The highest rated piece will be selected for a concert performance. Because each group’s piece will be played and has a possibility of being performed in a concert, there is a group incentive to work together.

Needed Materials:

- Students will be composing their project using Finale Notepad. A trial version can be downloaded from the Make Music web site (

- Students will also need internet access to access the discussion boards to contact group members.

Student Requirements:

- As a group select one song from a fake book.

- Decide on the form of the backgrounds. Each section should have a minimum 8 measure solo. Anything past that requirement is up to you. If you do not complete your portion of the music, there will not be any music during that portion of the performance.

- Use your knowledge of chords and scales make sure you are using the correct notes for each chord change. If you use the wrong notes then that is not going to have a good sound for your backgrounds (You can always double check your notes by playing back your composition in Finale Notepad).

- Use the discussion board to collaborate with your group members and to post any composition files. Download the file and play what you and other team members have written through the Finale program. This will give you an excellent way to hear your compositions.

- Work with other team members to decide on one person to combine all parts of your completed piece into one final file. That file should then be posted on the discussion board and a copy emailed to the instructor.

Additional Notes

- Each final piece will be printed and played by the entire jazz band in class where it will be evaluated using a Peer Evaluation sheet (see attached).

- The piece with the highest evaluation will be played in the jazz concert.

- You will be graded on level of participation, peer evaluations, and the instructor’s grading (same criteria as peer evaluation).


Names of students in group:


Please select the number that corresponds with your evaluation of the piece.

Assessment Criteria

1. The notes chosen take into account chord changes accurately.


To a great extent Somewhat To a limited extent

2. The form of background selected adds to the aesthetic value of the solo instrument.


To a great extent Somewhat To a limited extent

3. The style type selected is fitting to the overall piece and is appropriately displayed through rhythm.


To a great extent Somewhat To a limited extent

4. The overall sound of this piece shows mastery of music composition concepts.


To a great extent Somewhat To a limited extent

Other feedback about this project:




Fake Book Example:

Module 4 Group Project - Karen Sorensen and Kate Lopresti

Group Project Lesson: Learners Presenting JavaScript Examples

Learning Outcomes: Upon successful completion of this lesson, you will be able to:
  • As a group find JavaScript examples on the Web or in the class readings
  • Learn how to incorporate a new piece of JavaScript into your website
  • Teach classmates how to use a piece of JavaScript code

After an instructor-led introduction to JavaScript (JS), a programming language that can enhance user interfaces and create dynamic web site behaviors, student groups work to find a JS example that they like and research the code behind it. Each member of the group then uses the code in their own Web page. Later, in class, groups identify which JavaScript feature they agreed on, present the code that it uses, and then show the examples that each member created.

JavaScript is a popular programming language with a broad range of applications. There are numerous examples on the web and students should be able to identify them after the introduction. Because JavaScript is very customizable, a single use of code can be used to create very different website behaviors.

The assignment provides incentives to work as a team by challenging groups to find a use of JavaScript that all of the group members want to incorporate into their individual websites.
Students are individually accountable for contributing to the group's work by making sure each member understands the code and it works properly in their individual sites. Students are held individually accountable for completing the assignment and for mastering the content and/or skills by the requirement that they incorporate the code into their individual websites and present their example to the class.

Rubric for Individual (or Peer) Assessment:

Outcome4 - Advanced3 - Competent, Meets Expectations2 - Progressing, does not fully meet expectations 1 - Beginning, does not meet minimum expectations
Research JavaScript solutions Able to create unique JS solution from different examples.Finds JS examples and understands how it can be used for their needs.Finds JS code examples but can’t translate it to their own site needs.Unable to find examples of JS code
Incorporate new piece of JavaScript into your websiteIs able to modify JS to fit different site needs.Incorporate JS code into website and it works properlyIncorporates JS code into website but cannot get it to work properlyUnable to incorporate the JS code into their website
Teach classmates how to use a piece of JavaScript codeTeaches classmates not only how to use their particular code but how to modify it to meet their individual needsTeaches classmates how to use this JS code in their own site. Shows classmates what JS code they used, but not how others might implement it in their websites.Cannot explain the code or how it is used in their website.

Module 4 Group Project - Kelly Mix, Martin Havran

This lesson is adaptable to students at 8th Grade level and up.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Module 4 Group Project - Drew Hinds and Kristine Suihkonen

Bringing Studying Home

Lesson Focus: Students will work individually, in teams, and in small groups to contribute to and write class web page content which will focus on the topic of good study habits. Included will be resources, tools and techniques that will support good organization and study skills.

Objectives: Students will…
o Contribute toward writing and development of an organized web page
o Develop and share tools for use at home when studying or planning for projects
o Create a resource-list for students in need additional homework assistance
o Provide a forum for students to ask each other questions and share their work

See the entire lesson content and scoring guide here .


Group Project

Module 4

Laura Cornils and Mary Fran Anderson

Our project consisted of having middle school students create a simple website to share with another middle school in a different state.

The incentive for doing the project will be a class trip in the spring to the other middle school in the other state.

The group assignment is posted to:


The students will use Google Sites and Project Wiki to create their website. They will use a template to create their website. It will consist of several pages including:

  • Home page with a group photo and a blog.
  • Project page where a description of the entire assignment is described.
  • Team page where the assignment for each team is described.
  • Files page where students can upload their information pertaining to self-interests or hobbies, memberships in clubs or organizations, family information and a photo.

For group credit, the students will create the website using Google Sites and Project Wiki. They will introduce themselves to a middle school class in another state. The students will be divided into four groups including:

  1. The group responsible for inserting a group photo and choosing a theme for the home page.
  2. The group responsible for inserting team member information from the files uploaded by the students. The students can use Google Docs or Microsoft Word to create their files.
  3. The group responsible for inserting and starting a class blog on the home page.
  4. The group responsible for website updates.

For Individual Credit, the students will be responsible for creating a self-profile page, as mentioned above using Google Docs or Microsoft Word, and a photo of themselves or their family.

The students will also be evaluated on their contributions to the website blog and blogging to the website of the middle school class in another state.

The students will be responsible for sharing their self-reflections of the web building group process with the instructor using Google Knols.

Monday, October 4, 2010


I am a recent graduate from the PSU's School of Education, where I received my Master's degree in Special Education. I currently teach in a program for students with HFA/AS at the middle school level. I am fortunate to work in a small art magnet school, where there is a wide range of "normal".

Although my school is lucky in a sense, we are a public school, and experience the growing in size of students and cuts in staffing. With the drastic cuts to public education, students and students are receiving less and less instruction. I think incorporating technology and web teaching is a valuable tool for both students and teachers. On line teaching and trainings allow teachers to have access to professional development around focused areas. Teachers are then able to spend their time focusing on what they need to to provide quality instruction.
My name is Ann Strunk. I am a teacher certified in business education and am employed by the Klamath County School District. I am currently working with Southern Oregon ESD as a Career Technical Education specialist. In this position, I assist high school vocational teachers in maintaining their programs to state and national Perkins grant standards. So there is a lot of paperworks and training and interpretation of law all of which I need to pass on to the high school teachers (who will be my students).
My roster includes 14 agriculture teachers, 6 business and marketing teachers, 7 industrial tech teachers, 2 culinary arts teachers, and one health occupations teacher. I will teach a range of topics such as: how to integrate math and literacy into their programs, how to use data for program decision making, and how to update programs to industry standards. I am currently participating in the Oregon Mentor Program and will possibly be incorporating those elements into my course as well.
I hope that through an e-learning course I can connect and communicate with my teachers/students in a manner that doesn't pull them out of the classroom. I have been in their shoes and know that preparing lessons for the substitute teacher is time-consuming and many times not much is accomplished. Some of my students live 1 1/2 to 2 hours away and with the server Klamath Falls winters driving to a workshop or class with me is not safe or practical. In the past I have taught alternaive ed and business education. The e-learning holds wonderful possibilities should my career take me back to those areas.
On personal note, I still think of myself as a newlywed (three years). My husband and I have fours sons scattered around the state (Portland, Eugene, Bend and Klamath Falls) and we spend time with them. We have three Jack Russell terrriers - yes, three - so never a dull moment around this house.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Hello Everyone!

My name is Nicole and I am in my last year of grad school. I thought I wanted to be a teacher so I went to school to become one and subbed for about 4 years only to find out that I don't want to teach anymore. I'm at a point in my life where I'm trying to figure out what I like and want in a career. I'm at a crossroads and was at first very upset with my decision but am now excited to see what lies ahead. I got married this summer to the most wonderful man in the world, I might be a little biased. We met when we were both living in Prague, Czech Republic in 2007. He is a Chef from Ghana, Africa and cooks the most wonderful food! He helped me find a small passion for cooking which I recently started doing since he started working. I love to travel and spend time with friends. I hope to travel to Ghana and Togo in the future to meet my husband's family. I am currently finishing my masters degree and looking for a full time job helping people in some capacity because I love working and helping others.

I was interested in taking E-Learning Strategies because I feel the Internet is a very useful tool that we should be sharing with students. We need to teach them how to use it appropriately and I thought this would be a great place to start. Even though I don't want to be a teacher anymore, I still feel this class could be useful in other areas of my life. For instance, my husband doesn't know how to use the computer very well so I feel this class could teach me how to teach him to use the internet effectively for his learning. It will help him stay connected to his friends and family and will hopefully teach him strategies on the computer that he didn't know before. I hope this class will give me the tools to not only teach kids and my husband but also myself so I can take these tools with me in my future career path.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Claud Garrett

Hello All,
My name is Claud Garrett. I am a teacher of band and orchestra in the Portland area and work with kids ranging from middle school to high school (thats right - I purposefully give 6th graders loud noise makers!). I originally hail from Anchorage, Alaska and have done time in Idaho (U. of Idaho - Music Ed.), Texas (Baylor University - Masters in Saxophone Performance) and finally settled in Portland.
Back in college I started taking various computer classes as a break from the strict study of music. To me it was a puzzle and a good change of pace. As I have moved along in my educational and professional career I have continued learning many computer programs and finding ways to incorporate them into my teaching. I am looking into the subject of e-learning for new ways that I can expand my teaching to my students. The kids I have are little sponges and I would love to be able to keep up with their pace, but the world of music has too much. I am looking forward to the skills that this course will offer and how I can incorporate them into my music program.
On a personal note I am the proud father of a six month old bulldog and believe that the New York Yankees and college football is what makes this world a better place. I look forward to the next 10 weeks and all we have to learn!

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Kari Ann Tilson

Hello to everyone - My name is Kari Ann Tilson. I'm currently pursuing a Masters in Educational Leadership & Policy and am a Graduate Assistant for Leadership Training for PSU's Student Activities & Leadership Programs.

Training and development has always been the focus of my career. I've worked in both higher education (Baylor University Career Services, Academy of Art Advising, and now Portland State University Student Activities) as well as corporate HR (Celanese Chemicals, Ernst & Young LLP, and Lucy Activewear) focusing on developing training in each role.

Initially, advising online students at Academy of Art sparked my curiosity in e-learning. Then later I developed online new hire training for Academy of Art which furthered my interest. In my current role, I will be creating a series of leadership trainings (both online and classroom) for PSU's student leaders. I would like to come away from this course with a feel for which topics are more/best suited for e-learning formats for the wide breadth of topics student leadership training will cover. As e-learning is increasingly prevalent, I want to stand out as someone with expertise in engaging students in a variety of contexts and formats. I am also interested in learning more about the function of e-learning in the context of globalization.

On a more personal note, my husband and I moved to Portland two years ago. I'm originally from Florida and Texas but prior to Portland we lived in New York City. In my free time I enjoy water and snow skiing, running, music, and travel.

Laura McCray

My name is Laura McCray, and I manage the Cooperative Credit Program in the Continuing Education department of PSU's Graduate School of Education. I work with agencies throughout Oregon and nationwide to offer PSU graduate credit for K-12 educators' and administrators' professional development activities.

I got my MA in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages from PSU and spent several years teaching ESL (working for PSU, PCC, and various community organizations). I went on to do online software training for a start-up in Seattle where I was able to marry my love of teaching with my love of technology. After several mergers and acquisitions, I left the start-up world and went back to academia as the manager of the internship program at Bellevue College. I continued to teach online and in person, and I began to expand my knowledge of instructional design. 

In my current role, I work with a lot of organizations that are making the (sometimes painful) shift from the traditional to the online teaching environment. I want to be able to communicate with them about these changes in a well-educated manner. My knowledge of e-learning thus far has been a little willy-nilly. I want to learn about best practices, and I want to improve my own ability to shape information in a way that can be digested by and engaging for a wide array of people.

Kate Lopresti

Hey everyone, my name is Kate Lopresti and I'm currently a technical writer for a Portland software company. My work focuses on creating online help and reference guides for car dealership applications (accounting, inventory, service, sales).

This past year I have been helping the Training Department move their instructor-lead classes to online learning. Unfortunately, it's been mostly a 'cut and paste' operation. I hope this class will help me improve the materials' effectiveness.

I'm also a student in PSU's Multimedia Professional Program. My goal is to improve my technical skills for career advancement when and if the economy recovers.

When I'm not at work or school, I'm biking, baking, or putzing around the yard.

Greetings from Allison

Hi, Everyone!

My name is Allison Bradley, and this course is going to be a real adventure for me. I haven't done an online course in over fifteen years!

In terms of background, I've worked in settings from domestic violence crisis intervention to outdoor adventure-based education. I completed a doctorate in Theoretical Quantum Physics applied to Social Systems (say that 10 times fast...) in the late 1990's, and then decided to go into private practice, integrating this background in to an approach to holistic counseling.

After over 10 years in this line of work, I am closing the private practice and shifting to a more educational approach. In preparation, last year I completed a year in the LECL/LSE graduate program at PSU, which emphasizes Leadership for Sustainability. Currently, I am engaged in the Waldorf Teacher Training Course. I'm unclear if I will be focusing on children or adults as things move ahead, but it's a time of transition for sure. We'll see what the next year or two bring!

The reason I'm taking this course is that clients have been asking me for years to develop an online option for distance involvement with the personal growth/holisitic learning and sustainability emphases of consciousness work. As a "nature girl" rather than someone with technological focus, I put this off for a long time. Now, as my private practice concludes it turns out that someone has offered me a radio program. So, the hope is to explore the development of an online learning experience to coordinate with, and support, this audio. The emphasis will be connecting personal and planetary consciousness.

Can this happen via a computer? Good question!!! Your guess is as good as mine, but maybe we can all learn about this together.

Thanks, and I look forward to learning adventures with all of you.


My name is Marty Havran. I am a recently retired National Board Certified public school teacher in Arizona. I taught mostly 7th grade social studies and reading. Teaching is a second career. I previously worked for 30 years as a supervisor, then manager for the State of New Jersey. I retired from the school district a few years earlier than expected because of the fiscal situation. Arizona was already 51st in per pupil public school funding before the recession. I took a pay cut last year and they anticipated another cut this year. This may sound selfish, but I gave so much of myself to teaching, that I didn't think I deserved another pay cut and so I took early retirement. While teaching full-time, I also owned a small farm in Yuma where I raised miniature donkeys. My goal now is to reverse that ratio and farm full-time while teaching part-time. I bought 100 acres in West Texas and am currently in the midst of re-locating. I will be traveling back and forth between Arizona and Texas for the next few weeks, so I may be out of touch for a day or so now and then. One of the advantages of distance learning is that I can be moving and still attend the class. I took an Intel Essentials course online with Portland State last year. I also acquired my second masters degree online through the University of Phoenix. The online program required more work than a previous masters program that I completed in the traditional classroom format. The area of Texas where I am moving is very sparsely populated. Thus, there is not much opportunity for classroom teaching. I hope to obtain a certificate in distance learning and resume teaching that way. By the way, does anyone want to buy a 5 acre farm in Yuma, Arizona? Don't worry about the fact that we had a temperature of 114 degrees last week. You'll get used to it.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Greetings Colleagues –

My name is Kelly Mix and I am happy to be engaging in this 10-week undertaking with you. I am hoping to learn a lot from each of you, and I hope that perhaps I can pass a long a little something too as we travel along.

A little about me... I’ve been a manager with the state of Oregon in various agencies and positions for the past 18-years. I am currently a fiscal manager with the department of Consumer and Business Services (DCBS). In case you never heard of DCBS, we house a conglomerate of functions including Oregon OSHA, Insurance Division, Bank Examiners, Building Codes Divisions, and on and on. I hold a B.S. in Social Science and a Master’s degree in Public Administration, both from PSU.

So, why am I in this class and what do I hope to gain? I am in this class for two reasons: First, due to the fiscal constraints state agencies are under, I need to learn a new way to deliver much of the training I used to go around the state and deliver in person. We are looking at e-solutions to commence in 2011, and though I won’t be the developer, I want to be an educated user and facilitator of online training / learning. Secondly, I am in the midst of something of a mid-career course correction. I am looking to begin a slow transition from being a public manager to being an instructor of adult learners in areas of political science and management. To do that I need to understand how to present information, etc. in ways that inspires students. And, in the modern age we live in, that certainly involves e-learning.

So, that’s why I’m here and what I hope to gain along the way – thanks in advance for all the insights I know you all will share.


Hi. My name is Karen Sorensen. I'm a Masters of Education (PACE program) student, and I currently work as a Web Developer at Portland Community College.

I love the power of technology to enable students to learn something from potentially the best source of that information, though they live at a distance from that source.

I wanted to take this class to learn more about how to motivate and really engage students online. For example, what replaces the classroom discussion of ideas? A bulletin board just doesn't do it for my Active Engagement learning style (Kolb's Learning Styles). I like to hear and see the instructor and my classmates. How do you replace that online? With virtual communities like Second Life? Video conferencing? I don't know. And maybe it is an area that will continue to lack in the online environment, but maybe there are other ways to engage different learning styles online and collaborate with one another. I want that for myself as a student, and I want to be part of creating that experience for my learners.

Thanks for "listening".

Mary Fran Anderson

My name is Mary Fran Anderson. I have been a teacher of the visually impaired and blind for many years. As a teacher of the blind and visually impaired I have witnessed the struggles that this population faces accessing the computer. That led me to learn about assistive technology and eventually I became an assistive technology specialist working with a wide range of students with disabilities including visual impairments and blindness.
In the private sector I have worked as a technology trainer for two companies. I was able to teach a class on-line for one of the companies where I worked so I became interested in eLearning.

When I am not working, I am an artist who paints using watercolors. I am an active member of the Watercolor Society of Oregon and the Oregon Society of Artists. I display my work in juried shows and in galleries in the Portland area.

My main reason for enrolling in this class is to obtain an idea of what comprises eLearning and what tools are available to build classes in this format. Another question I have is when eLearning should be implemented in place of blended learning or traditional face to face learning. I am particularly interested in how eLearning might benefit people with disabilities and how to make the classes accessible to this population.

Drew Hinds

My name is Drew Hinds. Professionally, I have developed and taught online courses and worked at the district office in a small and large school district in Oregon. I am a licensed teacher and administrator in Oregon and currently working at the Oregon Department of Education (ODE) with Alternative Education and Instructional Materials Adoption. I am also a doctoral student at PSU focusing in the area of evaluation of alternative education options.

Personally, I am married with two children and live in Salem, Oregon. My son began second grade this year in a Spanish dual language immersion program and my daughter began kindergarten in the same program. When I am not writing, reading or working, I am coaching my children’s teams in swimming (summer), soccer (fall), basketball (winter) and baseball (spring).

Why did I choose to take this course?
While I have done work in the area of online course development and teaching and taken online classes, I realize that online programs and providers are quickly evolving to meet the individual needs of learners. My day-to-day work at the Department does not always allow me to keep ahead of the curve regarding new and developing strategies of creating interesting and relevant interventions for students as they achieve. I look forward to an exposure to the literature and research supporting online learning and a chance to dialogue with Oregon colleagues on such topics.


My name is Laura. Presently, I am working as a receptionist/office assistant at a medium sized construction company in Aloha. In the previous few years I worked as a 7-12th grade ESL and sheltered social studies teacher in Tillamook. When my position was cut due to budgetary issues, I joined the Navy Reserves to do my duty for my country. After 8 months of active duty training, I arrived back home to my new husband in May of this year. We had eloped while I was home on leave in February.

I hope to gain additional/supplemental employment as an online instructor after completing this series of classes, eventually (hopefully!) to fully replace my 8-5, M-F job with a commute.

For fun, when there's time for it, my son (Jayden, age 6 1/2) and I enjoy enjoy riding bikes and shooting his bow and arrows. My husband also works full time and is just beginning an apprenticeship program to become a journeyman plumber.

I look forward to working with the individuals in this class and I know each one of you has something special to teach me.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Your turn

Welcome! Take some time this week to add your own post with a picture and biographical sketch. Tell us a little bit about yourself. Also include a paragraph about what prompted you to take this class and what you hope to accomplish in our 10 weeks together. Send me an e-mail in Blackboard if you didn't receive an invitation to contribute to the blog.

And when you get a chance send me an e-mail address other than your assigned blackboard address where I can reach you if needed.