Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Greetings from Allison

Hi, Everyone!

My name is Allison Bradley, and this course is going to be a real adventure for me. I haven't done an online course in over fifteen years!

In terms of background, I've worked in settings from domestic violence crisis intervention to outdoor adventure-based education. I completed a doctorate in Theoretical Quantum Physics applied to Social Systems (say that 10 times fast...) in the late 1990's, and then decided to go into private practice, integrating this background in to an approach to holistic counseling.

After over 10 years in this line of work, I am closing the private practice and shifting to a more educational approach. In preparation, last year I completed a year in the LECL/LSE graduate program at PSU, which emphasizes Leadership for Sustainability. Currently, I am engaged in the Waldorf Teacher Training Course. I'm unclear if I will be focusing on children or adults as things move ahead, but it's a time of transition for sure. We'll see what the next year or two bring!

The reason I'm taking this course is that clients have been asking me for years to develop an online option for distance involvement with the personal growth/holisitic learning and sustainability emphases of consciousness work. As a "nature girl" rather than someone with technological focus, I put this off for a long time. Now, as my private practice concludes it turns out that someone has offered me a radio program. So, the hope is to explore the development of an online learning experience to coordinate with, and support, this audio. The emphasis will be connecting personal and planetary consciousness.

Can this happen via a computer? Good question!!! Your guess is as good as mine, but maybe we can all learn about this together.

Thanks, and I look forward to learning adventures with all of you.

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