Westward Expansion Jeopardy
1. The student will be able to research and explain one element within the Westward Expansion.
2. The student will be able to work collaboratively with others in a group to generate questions and answers based on their research on the Westward Expansion.
3. The student will be able to compare and experience they’ve had (moving away, starting a new school, losing something they loved) in their live to the another person’s experience during the Westward Movement.
This assignment can be used with a 3rd grade class who is learning about communities or a 4th grade class who is learning about Pioneers and the Oregon Trail. The students in these classes will be required to use the Internet and other resources, books, journals memoires, etc. to gather information on their topic within the Westward Movement.
Here is a breakdown of how it will work:
1. The class will be divided into groups. Each group will be assigned a category that has to do with Westward Expansion. A few examples are: Famous Pioneers, Mining, Fur Trade, Native Americans and the Oregon Trail.
2. Once they are assigned their category each person in the group will need to research their topic using the Internet, books, journals and memoires provided by the teacher and write a one-page summary or paper on what they found.
3. The groups will then come together and compare all of their summaries. At this point they will need to generate 10 questions and answers from their category as a group to be used in a Jeopardy game that they will play as a class with the teacher.
4. Once all the groups have generated their 10 questions the teacher will create a Westward Movement Jeopardy game that will be played by the class in their groups. The class will play the game and interact with their groups to come up with the right answer.
5. Last, They will need to individually write another one page paper comparing an experience they have had (moving away from somewhere or losing something they love, or starting over) to something they found out about the westward movement whether it’s a person an event or a period in time.
6. If they would like to the students will share their personal experiences within their group.
Jeopardy Template Websites
Resources for kids to look up information
Western Expansion Project Grading
Name: Date:
Research report
For my report I:
___ wrote many questions which did not fit the topic
___ identified no useful sources in any format
___ did not organize notes; all notes were messy and hard to read
___ presented information which was poorly organized, hard to understand.
For my report I:
___wrote some questions which did not fit the topic
___ identified a few useful sources in one or two formats
___ organized notes and most were neat and easy to read
___ presented information which was poorly organized or was difficult to understand some of the time
For my report I:
___ wrote clear questions which fit the topic
___ identified useful sources in many formats (books, magazines, electronic)
___ organized neat, easy to read notes
___ presented all information in a clear and organized way
As a team member I:
___ let my partners do all the work
___ did not help my partners
___ did not listen to my partner’s ideas
___ did not share my ideas
___ did not help the group solve problems As a team member I:
___ let my partners do some of my work
___ only helped my partners when they asked me
___ had trouble quietly listening to ideas
___ shared one idea
___ waited for my group to solve most problems As a team member I;
___ did all of my work
___ helped my partners
___ listened to my partners’ ideas
___ shared my ideas
___ helped my group solve problems
Experience report
My report:
___ simply lists events
___ has some organization
___ uses basic sentence structure
___ lists details but does not elaborate
My report:
___ tells a story related something I learned about the Westward Movement
___ has the organization of a story – characters, problem, resolution
___ uses basic sentence structure with some variety
___ uses sensory description or dialogue My report:
___ has an opening hook and tells a story related to the Westward Movement
___ has the organization of a story – characters, problem, resolution and uses transitions effectively
___ has sentence variety and metaphorical language
___ uses sensory description and dialogue
12007 Karen Franker franker@uwstout.edu
1 comment:
The last part of the posting is supposed to be a column... something I haven't figured out how to put into the blog. - Ann
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