Sunday, October 24, 2010

Module 4 - Group Project

ELP 510: E-Learning Strategies

Module 4 Group Project

Claud Garrett, Kari Ann Tilson, Allison Bradley


The following project is a group-based composition project for a jazz performance course. The purpose of the project is for team members to work together to compose a 4-part jazz performance piece. The project will build on students’ prior knowledge of a fake book (a book full of abbreviated songs - attached is an example page from a fake book), chord progressions and chords (they will know what notes they can use for their composition) and style. Student compositions will be played in class, peer reviewed, and the top-rated piece will be played in the jazz concert.

Please note: Any musical information that you may be unfamiliar with, but the students will, is in italics through this summary.

Project Description

For the following project, students are responsible for composing background music for a jazz soloist. Students will be put into groups of four. Each group will include one saxophone player, one trumpeter, one trombone and one rhythm section player. Within each team, each member will be responsible for composing backgrounds for his or her section. This background will be used for a piece of jazz music. The entire project will use Finale Notepad – a web based music composition program that allows students to compose, listen to those compositions, and collaborate with other musicians ona piece in an online setting. Through Finale discussion boards, group members will first collaborate and make key decisions on the form of the background (what instruments are going to play where), style type and sound.


1. Through discussion boards, the group collaborates to determine the song, style, and form.

2. The rhythm section member will be responsible for typing the melody into the top stave and adding the appropriate rhythm section for the style that the group has chosen. He or she posts the file to the discussion board.

3. The rest of the group members individually download and start working on their own portion of the project.

· Each person should add a stave to the file on Finale Notepad and compose their section’s music on one staff. This provides individual accountability for contributing to the group’s final work.

· During the process students are encouraged to post their work for review by other team members. A student’s level of understanding of the required content and skills will be evident through how their piece sounds.

4. When the composition is complete, one group member will combine all the individual sections into one final file and then post the final jazz piece on the discussion board for peer review. The final piece is also sent to the instructor over email.

5. Each group’s piece will be printed and performed by the entire jazz band in an in-person class session.

6. The entire band will complete peer reviews of each piece played. The highest rated piece will be selected for a concert performance. Because each group’s piece will be played and has a possibility of being performed in a concert, there is a group incentive to work together.

Needed Materials:

- Students will be composing their project using Finale Notepad. A trial version can be downloaded from the Make Music web site (

- Students will also need internet access to access the discussion boards to contact group members.

Student Requirements:

- As a group select one song from a fake book.

- Decide on the form of the backgrounds. Each section should have a minimum 8 measure solo. Anything past that requirement is up to you. If you do not complete your portion of the music, there will not be any music during that portion of the performance.

- Use your knowledge of chords and scales make sure you are using the correct notes for each chord change. If you use the wrong notes then that is not going to have a good sound for your backgrounds (You can always double check your notes by playing back your composition in Finale Notepad).

- Use the discussion board to collaborate with your group members and to post any composition files. Download the file and play what you and other team members have written through the Finale program. This will give you an excellent way to hear your compositions.

- Work with other team members to decide on one person to combine all parts of your completed piece into one final file. That file should then be posted on the discussion board and a copy emailed to the instructor.

Additional Notes

- Each final piece will be printed and played by the entire jazz band in class where it will be evaluated using a Peer Evaluation sheet (see attached).

- The piece with the highest evaluation will be played in the jazz concert.

- You will be graded on level of participation, peer evaluations, and the instructor’s grading (same criteria as peer evaluation).


Names of students in group:


Please select the number that corresponds with your evaluation of the piece.

Assessment Criteria

1. The notes chosen take into account chord changes accurately.


To a great extent Somewhat To a limited extent

2. The form of background selected adds to the aesthetic value of the solo instrument.


To a great extent Somewhat To a limited extent

3. The style type selected is fitting to the overall piece and is appropriately displayed through rhythm.


To a great extent Somewhat To a limited extent

4. The overall sound of this piece shows mastery of music composition concepts.


To a great extent Somewhat To a limited extent

Other feedback about this project:




Fake Book Example:

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